

What is Genioplasty

Whether it be chin reduction surgery (for prominent chin) or chin augmentation surgery (to enhance the size of the chin) genioplasty provides facial harmony to the lower third of the face.

Commonly performed with or without an implant to enhance or simply bone reshaping to reduce the prominence, book an appointment today to find out your suitability.

Our surgeons will discuss in details all the options available and go over the procedure, expectations and the risks of surgery.


Book a Consultation today to find out if a genioplasty is right for you.

Our specialist Plastic surgeons will discuss your concerns and expectations as well as the procedure and the costs.

For more detailed information visit the link 

Contact us today to schedule your genioplasty procedure

To discover more about our genioplasty procedure or to book a free consultation at our Perth cosmetic clinic, please do not hesitate to contact us.