Dermal Fillers


Dermal Fillers

People may choose to undergo a dermal filler procedure when they want to “fill” parts of their face to contour and restore lost volume in a particular area of the face.

Dermal fillers are used when an area of the face may have lost elasticity, fat, muscle thickness, or bone density. They can also be used to treat trouble spots such as sunken cheeks and eyes.

The most common dermal fillers are made of a naturally occurring substance called “Hyaluronic Acid”. This substance is injected under the skin to resolve issues such as volume loss and structural imbalances in the face. If you aren’t happy with your results after the procedure, the substance can be safely and easily dissolved.

Another benefit to dermal fillers is that, unlike wrinkle relaxers, the results are instant, so there is no period after the procedure in which the treatment has to settle in.


Book a Consultation today to find out if our dermal fillers are right for you.

Our specialist plastic surgeons will discuss your concerns and expectations as well as the procedure and the costs.

For further information, visit the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons in the link here.

Contact us today to schedule your procedure

To discover more about our dermal fillers or to book a free consultation at our Perth cosmetic clinic, please do not hesitate to contact us.